Wednesday, November 7, 2012


      This blog will chronicle our family's adventure from Yellow Springs, Oh to Oahu, Hawaii.  None of us have ever been to the islands.  I do not know what we are really in for.  I do know that it will be interesting.
     It's already interesting getting ready to move five (six counting grandma/Bubbie) human beings from the continental US to the middle of the Pacific ocean.  Honestly, I've been dragging my feet and resisting this huge move.  I know it's Hawaii, but I am perfectly happy where I am.  We live in an idyllic, funky, cultural, progressive, community oriented, little town in the midst of Ohio farmlands.  We have a house, a sweet dog, a nice neighborhood, we walk and bike most of the time around town, good friends, and so much more.  It's the only place my children have ever known.  It really works for us here.  And yet, the nature of my husband's job in the military is to move. So it's time to pull  up all our roots and move.  "But", say friends, "It's Hawaii!"  Well, I'm beginning to get there.  Yes, it is Hawaii.
  So, Dear  Hawaii- I've heard of all your glories; your volcanoes- Pele ever erupting, flowers and colors and rainbows everyday, the aroma in the air when we will step off the plane, the mountains (I do so love mountains), the beautiful culture and people, new foods and fruits beyond my imagination, and the spirit of aloha inherent in all of these.  This is what I turn my thoughts to more and more as we prepare for a long visit on this foreign land.  Yes, it is a state, but still so new and completely unfamiliar to me and my family.  I come with an open mind and a respect for all that we have to learn from you.


  1. OK....I've seen pictures of lush tropical mountains in Hawaii that have beautiful waterfalls way up high. Please find out for me where they get all the water needed to do that at such high elevations.

  2. Yeah, good question Pop! I'll find that out!
