Sunday, November 18, 2012

Time's running out around here

      We got the leaves raked and carted away in one day.  Dave and I raked up several piles of maple leaves in the backyard. (The same silver maples that gave us their sweet sap for maple syrup a couple years ago.  It takes a lot more boiling down to get syrup from the silver maple than the sugar maple's sap.  But, it is just as delicious...if not more so in this case since it came from the trees in our own backyard.)  Then friends with a truck, extra rakes, tarps, and a lot of gung-ho came and swept it all out of our yard into their truck.  That was last week.
      Teacher conferences, chiropractor visits, play rehearsals, band rehearsals, closet cleaning, packing, Montessori classroom subbing.  That was last week too.  It really is too much.  And our bodies are getting a little tired out from it all. Noah is coughing his adult hacking cough, that makes everyone who is not used to hearing it 24/7, turn around in shock to hear such a sound coming from such a small body.  Phillip is lying in bed whimpering right now with a fever and aches.  I've been fighting a cold for about a week.  Looks like Dave and Eve are holding steady, thank goodness.  The dog puked on the rug.
     It is not easy to add the task of preparing for such a monumental move to the list of everyday life requirements.  Especially when you've got sick kids, performances coming up in the same month as Christmas and your pack date, which is Dec. 26.  But, hey, things could be worse.  When it is all said and done we will be unpacking and setting up a new home in Oahu for the next three years.
     In going through my memorabilia in my closet I found several pages of life goals.  There's no date on it but I am pretty sure I wrote it when we were living in Illinois when I was 25.  I've been telling all my friends that I've never really been all that interested in going to Hawaii.  It turns out my long term memory is lacking.  Number one on the list of "My Goals of Things to Do" is:  Go to Hawaii and swim with a dolphin.
    Be careful what you wish for.      

Monday, November 12, 2012

Departure date

       Dave got his official orders.  That means we have an official departure date.  That means we have a flight and tickets.  We will be leaving Dayton International Airport on January 1st at 6:30 a.m.  Then an 8 hour flight from Texas to Hawaii.  That's a long time to be on an airplane with three kids....and all the rest of the passengers.  I guess those airplanes have large gas tanks.
       My sister may be dropping us off the day before our flight at a hotel.  Maybe we'll leave our winter coats with her.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


      This blog will chronicle our family's adventure from Yellow Springs, Oh to Oahu, Hawaii.  None of us have ever been to the islands.  I do not know what we are really in for.  I do know that it will be interesting.
     It's already interesting getting ready to move five (six counting grandma/Bubbie) human beings from the continental US to the middle of the Pacific ocean.  Honestly, I've been dragging my feet and resisting this huge move.  I know it's Hawaii, but I am perfectly happy where I am.  We live in an idyllic, funky, cultural, progressive, community oriented, little town in the midst of Ohio farmlands.  We have a house, a sweet dog, a nice neighborhood, we walk and bike most of the time around town, good friends, and so much more.  It's the only place my children have ever known.  It really works for us here.  And yet, the nature of my husband's job in the military is to move. So it's time to pull  up all our roots and move.  "But", say friends, "It's Hawaii!"  Well, I'm beginning to get there.  Yes, it is Hawaii.
  So, Dear  Hawaii- I've heard of all your glories; your volcanoes- Pele ever erupting, flowers and colors and rainbows everyday, the aroma in the air when we will step off the plane, the mountains (I do so love mountains), the beautiful culture and people, new foods and fruits beyond my imagination, and the spirit of aloha inherent in all of these.  This is what I turn my thoughts to more and more as we prepare for a long visit on this foreign land.  Yes, it is a state, but still so new and completely unfamiliar to me and my family.  I come with an open mind and a respect for all that we have to learn from you.